Archive | September, 2012

a gorgeous night

25 Sep

Oh how I love our city!  Vancouver you are so beautiful.Image

Welcome to the World

24 Sep

I had the amazing opportunity to work with a wonderful photographer that I have admired for quite some time now.  Jen at JLS Photography of Langley , BC mentored me in a photoshoot with my friend’s baby boy.  It was amazing how much I learned in that hour and a bit, listening to her and watching how she manipulated the little man into position.  I love the result of the photos I took.  I even managed to teach myself a teeny bit of photoshop tonight and do up a “welcome to the world” announcement!  So much to learn!

newborns are so sweet

21 Sep

I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity of taking newborn photos for my wonderful friend. I’m in the process of transitioning through careers and focusing on my photography. After 18 years as an insurance broker, I think it’s time to do something I am passionate about. This little guy, at 1 week old, was an absolute darling.

attempting to solve the picky eater situation, yet again!

21 Sep

Well here we go again!  Does anyone else deal with a picky eater, I’m sure you must.  My pick eater is 2 (well there’s others in this house, but for now I’m focusing on her!)  At daycare she will eat pretty much anything put infront of her…. why will she not do this at home?  I’ve tried so many tricks, and yet nothing seems to work.  We eat quite healthy in this house, lots of veggies and fruit and whole grains, salads etc.  Yet she will eat:  applesauce, yogurt tubes, frozen peas and frozen fresh blueberries.  On occasion she will eat a banana.  She hates meat, and won’t touch any other veggies.  So today I made some banana pumpkin oat muffins.  She ate half of one, maybe this is progress?  I’d love any tips from YOU!

I’m ready to BOUNCE back!

21 Sep

Week one is almost done, and I have to say – I feel successful (not a normal feeling!)  I’ve finally taken a leap of bravery and signed up with a local personal trainer who I’m putting my ENTIRE faith into, she’s the one who is going to rescue me from myself.  Okay, maybe a bit dramatic? possibly, however I need it… I need the motivation, the accountability.  Andrea is amazing, she works you out physically AND emotionally, digging deep into any issues.  I hope to come out of this after 12 weeks fitter in mind and body.   I had my first small group personal training in Andrea’s BOUNCE program last night.  My ass is sore!  so many stairs and squats, but it’s one of those love/hate things.  I can’t wait for more.  And, not only that, I also did a spin class this morning — 6AM!  crazy?  maybe! but this girl is gonna break through!  Better believe it, no more sabotaging self-depreciating self talk… know why? because I really am worth this.  Yes, I have responsibilities, and a million excuses.. ohhh how will I juggle:  3 kids, work, my school, starting my own business, kids activities, and every day life of a mom?… no more excuses – I am in NO WAY the only mom out there that has to balance all this, so why am I making excuses.  JUST GO AND DO IT… find that 10, 20, 30 mins to exercise, prep food, make smart choices – and by all means learn to LIKE myself!  Yup – it’s time!

a 6am spin class. This may not be crazy to YOU, but for me this is huge progress..

Under Pressure

5 Sep

It seems to me that lately I’ve lost focus.  From Pinterest, twitter, FB and all these other blogs etc.., I’ve suddenly begun living everyone else’s life except mine.  Thinking: “this room isn’t good enough, I’m not organized enough, I don’t eat pretty food every day, I don’t do exceptional workouts, I’m not fashionable, they look like they are always so happy”

It is as though I have allowed social media to make feel inferior.  I’m living, but living for the next thing, the better thing — not living in the moment.  I do appreciate all the fabulous ideas out there, I love seeing a clean organized closet/pantry/room/home; and yes, I do wish that I could have that – but really, my reality just won’t allow that at this time!  Whether it is lack of money, drive, ability, whatever it may be I just won’t have a “perfect pantry”

Doesn’t it seem like everyone out there is having so much fun?  Like they are always happy, never argue, never fight, never feel down or tired or sad?  I know that I choose to post photos of our happy moments, because really; who wants to see a picture of me shouting at my kids… yelling for the 100th time “pick UP after yourselvessssssssssss”

It’s time to live in the moment, enjoy the ups and downs, accept that they happen and realize that there is no such thing at “perfection’ – okay that last one it going to be hard for me!  I strive for perfection, and FAIL every day – why?  because perfection is never reached, if I get to where I think I want to be, then I just want to get better, further, outdo it …..  Time to give myself some slack!  And realize I’m probably not the only one who yells at her kids, scarfs down a bag of microwaved popcorn, skips workouts, gets cranky, makes breakfast for dinner or pops in a frozen pizza for the kids.


create. inspire. share.

Andrea Janes photography

Natural Light Family Photographer, now in Geneva.

The Sweet Sugar Beet Blog

living life and dealing with three kids

Honey We're Home

living life and dealing with three kids

living life and dealing with three kids

Ashley Ann Sweets


IHeart Organizing

living life and dealing with three kids

living life and dealing with three kids

Rooted nutrition's Blog

cooking, eating and living for vitality and community

the thirties grind

get up, go to work, raise kids, pay bills, sleep. repeat.

the lab

lululemon's hub for collaborative innovation, functional fashion, and the creation of limited-edition designs since 2009.

Hi Sugarplum!Hi Sugarplum!

living life and dealing with three kids

Ashley Martens Photography

Just another weblog


living on the lane in east vancouver

living life and dealing with three kids

Oh She Glows

living life and dealing with three kids