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10 Oct

Love coffee?  Love makeup?  Love awesome and unique items?  this is for YOU!!!!

Under Pressure

5 Sep

It seems to me that lately I’ve lost focus.  From Pinterest, twitter, FB and all these other blogs etc.., I’ve suddenly begun living everyone else’s life except mine.  Thinking: “this room isn’t good enough, I’m not organized enough, I don’t eat pretty food every day, I don’t do exceptional workouts, I’m not fashionable, they look like they are always so happy”

It is as though I have allowed social media to make feel inferior.  I’m living, but living for the next thing, the better thing — not living in the moment.  I do appreciate all the fabulous ideas out there, I love seeing a clean organized closet/pantry/room/home; and yes, I do wish that I could have that – but really, my reality just won’t allow that at this time!  Whether it is lack of money, drive, ability, whatever it may be I just won’t have a “perfect pantry”

Doesn’t it seem like everyone out there is having so much fun?  Like they are always happy, never argue, never fight, never feel down or tired or sad?  I know that I choose to post photos of our happy moments, because really; who wants to see a picture of me shouting at my kids… yelling for the 100th time “pick UP after yourselvessssssssssss”

It’s time to live in the moment, enjoy the ups and downs, accept that they happen and realize that there is no such thing at “perfection’ – okay that last one it going to be hard for me!  I strive for perfection, and FAIL every day – why?  because perfection is never reached, if I get to where I think I want to be, then I just want to get better, further, outdo it …..  Time to give myself some slack!  And realize I’m probably not the only one who yells at her kids, scarfs down a bag of microwaved popcorn, skips workouts, gets cranky, makes breakfast for dinner or pops in a frozen pizza for the kids.

Packing a little one for a road trip

10 Aug

Today is “packing day” we leave early tomorrow morning – Driving from BC down to Oregon and area. This drive, with a 2 year old, should prove interesting. It has already taken me 2 hours just to pack her little suitcase. She likes to “help” meaning she follows behind me and undoes everything I do! Finally I have gotten her suitcase organized and packed (of course there is a different mess to clean up now! E decide to “help” and she emptied our freezer!)

So I had to come up with a solution… Call it desperate parenting… Crib and iPad – worked for about 20mins!

Any tips on travel with toddlers?


packing for the road trip. left to right, jackets, long sleeved tops, short sleeved tops, shorts, pants. Swimwear and socks in upper compartment and PJ’s in other top compartment


Little E – singing “clean up clean up everyone every where” … somehow she thinks she is helping me


and we are off!

10 Aug

Okay – so I start a blog and then I immediately leave for 10 days! ha ha.  Our long awaited family road-trip vacay is upon us.  Well 2 of my kids are away on their own camping for the week so really it’s just me, my partner and our youngest.. either way – I’m EXCITED!  It has been a long year and this is something I’ve really been looking forward to, spending more than a day or two with my partner!  We are headed across the line, into the good ole US of A to visit some family and hopefully check out the Oregon Coast.  I hope to have some pictures to share when I come back.  Until then I will leave you on a cheerful note.. a video of my little E at the park yesterday.E’S HAPPY PLACE AT THE PARK

As I enter this world…

9 Aug

I expect to find growing pains in this world of blog, isn’t that what happens when you are learning something new?  So first off, maybe I should do a little research.  As in, are there rules to this blog thing? A certain etiquette?  Jump in they say, it’s the only way to learn… so here I gooooooooo

My goal you ask?  I suppose to be completely honest  it is mostly selfish at the moment – to learn about myself.. to document my life (and to keep track of all the fabulous blogs that I currently follow!).

For now, there is no specific idea or theme here.  It could be baking/cooking one day, organizing the next… dealing with kids, learning about health & fitness; who knows – you will have to check in to see what’s next!  Maybe I’m witty one day, boring the next. I hope to hone my writing technique (excuse the grammar, pretty sure I will NEVER get that right!).  I hope to gain friendships through readers, I hope to connect with others who are just like me – living life, juggling challenges… wondering “is this normal?!”

So, let’s say today is Cupcake Thursday (okay that’s lame!)  However since I have a couple photos of some cupcakes I recently baked, I call them my PRIDE Cupcakes, I thought I would share them with you!  So simple and fun to make – and obviously delicious.


create. inspire. share.

Andrea Janes photography

Natural Light Family Photographer, now in Geneva.

The Sweet Sugar Beet Blog

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Honey We're Home

living life and dealing with three kids

living life and dealing with three kids

Ashley Ann Sweets


IHeart Organizing

living life and dealing with three kids

living life and dealing with three kids

Rooted nutrition's Blog

cooking, eating and living for vitality and community

the thirties grind

get up, go to work, raise kids, pay bills, sleep. repeat.

the lab

lululemon's hub for collaborative innovation, functional fashion, and the creation of limited-edition designs since 2009.

Hi Sugarplum!Hi Sugarplum!

living life and dealing with three kids

Ashley Martens Photography

Just another weblog


living on the lane in east vancouver

living life and dealing with three kids

Oh She Glows

living life and dealing with three kids